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  • General information

  • About

    La Quintessence, que l'on compare avec audace à un cinquième élément, est ce qu'il y a d'essentiel, de plus important... voire de plus précieux.

    Unique en son genre tant par son mode de fonctionnement que par ses méthodes de travail et reposant sur une équipe professionnelle, efficace, disponible et à l'écoute, A-IMMO.BE tire toute la quintessence de l'immobilier... de votre bien immobilier.

    Proches de vous et animés des même sensibilités, nous avons eu la joie et la fierté d'aider et d'accompagner personnellement nombre d'entre vous dans la réalisation de leurs projets. Nous nous engageons à tout mettre en oeuvre afin de pérenniser notre démarche et vous donner entière satisfaction aujourd'hui comme demain...

    Nos activités de courtage et de gestion se traitent en toute confidentialité et respectent la déontologie de notre profession ainsi que l'éthique de discrétion chère à nos clients.

    Nous vous souhaitons une très agréable visite de notre site internet.
    L'offre et les informations mises en ligne n'étant pas exhaustives, nous restons à votre plus entière disposition...

  • Reviews 6

    • Bruno Vandecapelle in 2023 via Google
      • + This is not a team of salespeople, they are passionate people who go out of their way to provide you with a service above all! Mr Bougnet is a true professional with impeccable listening skills and empathy! ...And the team is in the same dynamic! I highly recommend !
    • Philippe Delavie in 2022 via Google
      • + We are delighted with the services of A-Immo, and more particularly of Marie-Pierre, who helped us select tenants who met our requests and the house. His seriousness, his attentiveness and his professionalism were much appreciated by us. If you are looking for personalized service, this is the right address. Philip
    • Veronique Massard in 2022 via Google
      • + I wanted to leave Brussels for Walloon Brabant. It is in this context that I called on the services of Marie-Pierre Fabri so that she could support me in the search for the property that would meet my needs and expectations. She took the time to listen to me to really understand the question and then relieved me of all the research. She accompanied me to visit the properties that I wanted to see, each time asking questions that would not have occurred to me, helping me to weigh the pros and cons of each property. To finally help me find THE house that was waiting for me and was beyond my expectations. I appreciated her availability, her open-mindedness and the sensitivity she put at my service.
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  • Location

    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
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