Immo Francois - De Haan


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Immo Francois - De Haan

  • General information

    •  Stationsstraat 16, 8420 Klemskerke, De Haan
  • About

    Vastgoedmakelaar die zorgt dat het klikt. Met ons, met je buurt, maar vooral met je nieuwe thuis.

    Immo Francois bundelt kwaliteit, enthousiasme en eerlijkheid.
    Met deze krachten word je correct bijgestaan voor al jouw vastgoedtransacties, waarbij een tevreden klant steeds het einddoel is!

    Ben je op zoek naar een nieuwe thuis? Of wens je jouw eigendom te verkopen of te verhuren?
    Dat is mogelijk via één van onze kantoren in West- of Oost-Vlaanderen.

    Vraag nu een gratis schatting aan via of 050/32 34 34.

    83% van onze panden zijn binnen de 3 maanden verkocht

  • Reviews 61

    • Ken Verhamme in 2024 via Google
      • + Very good experience during the tour + follow-up purchase by Victor. Definitely recommended!
    • Kriske Holemans in 2023 via Google
      • + Manu Truck, Your time-consuming efforts to price homes/properties correctly and with a realistic point of view will please both seller and buyer. In the two years I have known you and have regularly called on you, you continue to pleasantly surprise me. Your dynamic charismatic presence remains a virtue to meet you. You are also honesty itself…! Likewise, office manager Kenny D. always spends fruitful, dynamic time to give both buyers and sellers sufficient insight into the ins and outs of the (sales) purchase agreement. You can also go to Kristof with a satisfied feeling, mainly for renting and renting out properties. His efforts are never too much for him. He does this with full energy At Immo François in De Haan the sun always shines… The greatest asset here at your 'Immo Francois in De Haan' remains mainly unsophisticated customer friendliness, thorough explanation of purchase and sale, rental and rental property rights and obligations.. Here every customer goes home with a clear conscience and cheerful feeling. The pleasant and collegial atmosphere is therefore always and immediately palpable. Manu Turck… would like this: In just two years you quickly built up a well-deserved fame in De Haan. You are an asset to many! In short, your synergy is delicious! The transparent insight in advance of a sale, purchase, rental or rental is also a windfall. Being confronted with fait accompli is therefore ruled out. In short, the three of you "Manu, Kenny and Kristof" are sublime!
    • Bernt Bouverie in 2023 via Google
      • + Fantastic experience buying a house in de Haan! Manu Turck was exceptional from start to finish.
    • Руслан Пшеничных in 2022 via Google
      • + Great agency with professional staff. I personally want to thank Kristof Deceuninck for the attention and help in choosing an apartment.
    • Yoekann loffens in 2021 via Google
      • + Immo agency Francois has a spirited, loyal, cordial atmosphere! The person in charge of this cozy collegial office Kenny welcomes you immediately! He channels you to what concerns you... Thank you also to Manu Turck for his passionate, handsome, stylish, dynamic commitment to the sales sector. The constructive, serene, loyal, most spontaneous and humane time span that Manu safeguards for everyone makes Manu a real estate star! As far as rental is concerned, however, you are in the right place with the same handsome colleague Kaat. Kaat(je) Vermeersch arranges everything necessary for (potential) tenants and landlords! With the exception of a little time pressure when candidates join later than agreed, Kaatje always remains polite, sympathetic and always ready for the umpteenth candidate tenant and/or landlords. Kaat(je) to complete her screening of potential tenants according to the well-intentioned taste of landlords fulfills everyone's wishes. In the short absence of a colleague, everyone complements each other. Stylish gentleman Key De Weerdt is also happy to be available for both sales and rental. You will also experience vibrant synergy at Key. Then there is the stylish mediator-sales manager Anse De Sloover. Anse coordinates the ups and downs and watches carefully to ensure that everything goes according to plan! At Immo Francois you never stand in line, but you are comfortable in a chair at the front. At Immo Francois everyone's dream becomes reality! You will certainly find the most sublime real estate team and leadership at Immo Francois Respectful regards, Ann Loffens
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  • Location

    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
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