Immobilière Genon


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Immobilière Genon

  • General information

  • About

    L'agence immobilière Genon est présente depuis près de 15 ans à Louvain-la-neuve. Depuis 2008, nous sommes également présents en province de Luxembourg à Libramont.

    Nous nous occupons de la vente, de la mise en location, et de la gestion de votre bien immobilier. Nous sommes également syndic d'immeuble.

    Mise en location : à l'aide des derniers outils de communication, nous
    trouvons un locataire correspondant au profil que nous aurons déterminé
    avec vous, nous nous assurons de sa solvabilité, établissons un bail respectant
    les derniers prescrits légaux et procédons à son enregistrement.

    Gestion : Outre la mise en location, nous assurons le suivi technique et
    administratif de vos biens. Nous disposons de sous-traitants qualifiés qui peuvent
    intervenir rapidement et à un coût contrôlé, tant pour les travaux
    d?entretien que pour les petits et gros travaux.
    outre la tenue d'une comptabilité rigoureuse et transparente, nous nous assurons que vos locataires respectent leurs engagements contractuels. En cas de défaillance, nous mettons tout en oeuvre pour
    récupérer les sommes dues.

    Vente : Fort de notre expertise, nous déterminons ensemble la valeur de
    votre bien, vous aidons à remplir les diverses obligations légales
    (conformité installation électrique, certificat énergétique,…) et nous
    chargeons de trouver un acquéreur.

  • Reviews 89

    • Jose Baena in 2024 via Google
      • - Really bad expirience, they are really slow to solve the problems in the property. It took 6 months to get a copy of the main key, 4 months to solve a problem in the toilet, many question unanswered in 4 years contract. After they did not want to return a single euro of the guarantee, arguing cleaning, painting, small senseless reparations. Do not do business with them.
    • Rozenn Le Buzulier in 2024 via Google
      • - AGENCY TO FLEE!! I rented an uninsulated apartment for 4 years and left it in better condition than when I arrived. Despite a favorable inventory, they absolutely did not want to give me back my deposit worth €730 and claimed that I had not paid one of my months' rent, which was FALSE!! No return even after a registered letter giving proof of payment of the rent. I had to wait months and be persistent to get my deposit back. If this is your case, don't give up, you are even within your rights to ask for damages. I find it unacceptable that such an agency can continue like this, given the many negative comments. It's shameful to take advantage of people like this, especially students.
    • Alice Mlt in 2023 via Google
      • - I am deeply disappointed by my experience with this real estate agency. Initially they were quick to get the rental lease signed, but once you are a customer their level of service declines significantly. Responses to my questions and concerns were extremely slow to non-existent, leaving me in limbo. If there are problems, they are absent and do not take your concerns seriously. Overall, this agency has proven to be not only non-responsive but also devoid of sympathy towards its clients. My experience with them was beyond disappointing, and I cannot recommend them. So if you see this message, obviously: run away. Little anecdote: the new tenant of the apartment I was renting asked me if I too paid 100€ per month in addition to the rent for the furniture (which is really rotten, there are no other words), which which is obviously not the case. Apparently the agency changed the contract at the last moment to add this slight detail. Good luck to him 😂
    • Lieselotte Vervoort in 2023 via Google
      • - I hope you never have to deal with this gang of cheaters! We rented a house for 3 years that Immo Genon had to manage. There was a water leak and a broken tap that nothing was done for 2 years, no repairs, no maintenance but the rent increased every year... We never got any response from them to our emails except when we had to pay indexation ... They deduct 344 euros from the deposit for "maintenance" while we left the house clean. We moved in June and have been waiting for 4 months to get our deposit back. We are now taking legal action.
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  • Location

    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
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