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  • General information

  • About

    SanSimmo is een vastgoedkantoor gevestigd in Deurne-Zuid dat geleid wordt door Sandra Storms, BIV 506.676. Het kantoor onderscheidt zich van andere doordat ikzelf elk dossier opvolg van begin tot einde. U kan steeds bij mij terecht met al uw vastgoedvragen en ik verkoop of verhuur uw pand alsof het van mij persoonlijk zou zijn.

    Volgende troeven kan ik U aanbieden :
    - Realistische waardebepaling bij verkoop of verhuur.
    - Verkopen/verhuren van uw pand.
    - Adverteren via verschillende mediakanalen en opvallende rode immopanelen.
    - Afhandeling van alle administratieve formaliteiten tot bij de notaris.
    - Persoonlijke en professionele aanpak van uw dossier.
    - Snelle service, deskundigheid, efficiëntie en flexibiliteit.
    - Eerlijkheid en vertrouwen.

  • Reviews 23

    • Nele Van den Hende in 2023 via Google
      • + We are very satisfied with the process of renting a property through Sansimmo! The tour and explanations were very clear and Sandra took her time to answer all our questions. She was very friendly. A decision was made quickly and all documents were arranged very quickly and correctly. There was open and clear communication that did not feel purely businesslike but was in a personal way. We were allowed to contact Sandra at any time, she was almost always available, or she contacted us herself shortly afterwards. She is very helpful. It was a quick move thanks to Sandra's drive and correctness. We immediately had confidence in her and rightly so!!
    • Anita Hoeboer in 2023 via Google
      • + Friendly lady, very helpful. Gave us a lot of information about the options we need as Dutch people. Thank you for the good care and the beautiful apartment we were able to rent.
    • Jessica Neri in 2023 via Google
      • - I asked the tenant about the average cost of gas and eletricitr, the agent said my question was stupid. Hey, I forgot to say, your remark was rude and 1000times more stupid. I rent appartment for around ten years, and I rent out appartment too, it's a normal question. I've neve heard any any ush out this kind of remark. Don't say anything rude to your client and be patient. You never know what are their needs and who you are dealing with. Watch out the reputation of your agency.
    • Dave Malige in 2022 via Google
      • - Friendly lady if you get a hold of them, so much for the positive. Completely (deliberately?) unreachable and does not return calls after voicemail. Until then, one man job, busy...ok. But half-promising potential tenants and keeping them on the line for months and then suddenly coming up with a story that the owner does not want children in his apartment is a total lack of respect and professional ethics. Moreover, this is a type of discrimination prohibited by law.
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  • Location

    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +
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