Group I.N.C.


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Group I.N.C.

  • General information

  • About

    Group I.N.C nv zit al sinds 1989 stevig verankerd in de Limburgse vastgoedmarkt en is er altijd en alleen voor U. Met onze jarenlange ervaring en een flinke dosis professionaliteit bieden wij U een totaalservice aan, of het nu gaat om verkoop of aankoop, om huur of verhuur. Want wij zijn de partner voor uw thuis!
    Neem rustig de tijd om ons uitgebreid aanbod te bekijken. Dagelijks wordt onze portefeuille aangevuld met nieuwe panden. Om regelmatig op de hoogte te blijven, kan U zich registreren via de knop ‘Schrijf U In’. Op deze manier ontvangt U alle interessante panden rechtstreeks in uw mailbox.

  • Reviews 70

    • Stefanie Poncelet in 2024 via Google
      • - Definitely not a good real estate agency Then you are assigned a house, they call you to let you know, then you get a call back to let them know that it is not the case! What kind of way of working is this, making people believe something like that? The real estate agent himself could hardly tell anything about the house Naughty naughty .
    • Lotte van Graas in 2024 via Google
      • - Money wolves! Stay away from here! Last week, despite the very negative reviews, we still did a viewing for a rental property at this real estate agency and I can only say that previously reported reviews can hereby be confirmed. First of all, the contact by telephone was very friendly, although this was quickly over during the viewing. The real estate agent unsubtly expected us to be able to move into the house within two weeks and that it was not his problem that we could not move immediately, as long as he had his money and the contract had been signed. There are of course no words for such a mentality and that is why we decided not to engage in these arrogant practices! It is very unfortunate that this is still possible today despite previous reviews.
    • Jeremy Francois in 2024 via Google
      • - Do yourself a favor and stay far away from this real estate agency! Deposit will be retained in full and you will also be threatened with prosecution if an additional invoice of €750 is not paid. Damage caused by a defective tap and extractor hood in our apartment and we will be charged €1500 for the repair. Everything was reported to the real estate office in a timely manner, but no response was ever received, so the kitchen was damaged. We have disputed all this to no avail. Afterwards our signature was even forged for the release of the deposit, unbelievable!!! Group INC is a disgrace to the rental agencies
    • sasha Clijnen in 2024 via Google
      • - Well, what a pitiful thing this is! Things already went wrong via telephone contact. An absurdly rude and arrogant man on the line. I called them back after a missed call, less than a second later. Couldn't record because of my gloves. No answer. He was heard the next day, but in retrospect it might have been better not to. Extremely rude and not helpful at all. They made me do the research myself into which apartments they rent and refused to answer my request for help. Okay then, no sooner said than done, and I called back less than 2 minutes later. This time a lady on the line. I compensated for my understanding and kindness a little bit out of pride. But you saw that it was not my fault, but simply a competency that you must have if you want to work at INC. Arrogant, grumpy and helpless again. She didn't want to help me with 2 questions in 1 phone call. I said, “So I have to hang up and call back right away.” She confirmed. Outrageous service from this office! Bah. Arrogance and pretension. And I haven't even started doing business with it yet! Because apparently you also hear disastrous things once you have entered into the contract as I read it here. I guess I'll have to come visit from higher up.
    • Stephanie O. in 2023 via Google
      • - Very unprofessional behavior! At the end of the contract, move the location description to a new month. And then have to pay for the entire month because the keys were returned too late. While I proposed a proposal for a place description in the last rental month. Very sad how this had to turn out! On top of this, they report that I have refused viewings while they have not called once! Terrible how they made us pay extra because we had to cancel the apartment due to disability!
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  • Listings 37

    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +

    Active listings 37

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