Realo PRO

Get empowered with real estate knowledge

Discover all your wanted real estate insights. With Realo Explorer, real estate experts get access to unique insights into the history of properties and generate detailed estimate reports.

Visual explorer map and a property card with price history

Prospecting map

One source for prospecting and marketing insights

See which properties are on the market by private owners or by professionals, find new prospects and see what your competition is up to, get valuable area insights for better seller closing.

Explorer map visuals
Visual of a property card with price history


It's never been easier and quicker to prepare for a meeting

Historical data about each property. Access any plot in Belgium through our explorer tool, find out the full history about any property in Belgium, with data dating back to 2013.

Valuation engine

Personalised estimation reports at the click of a button

Take advantage of the most comprehensive estimation tool on the market. Trained on over 2M properties, with data gathered from over 450 different sources, trusted by banks, insurance companies and the Flemish Government. Get precise estimations in a few minutes, on the spot.

Visual of a estimation report

Key benefits

Experts work better with Explorer

It’s not just the endless stream of information. Explorer gives useful insights to save you time, while keeping you & your customers the most informed to make the best desicion. So everyone feels like a winner.

All in 1 place

One source for all property info including Cadaster info.

Save time

You can easily generate estimate reports which saves you the time creating them.

Know your scene

Know what is on the market and what your competitors are selling right now and in the last 24 months. Great for bench marking and market insights.

Trusted and used byThe flemish gouvernment, Banks and Insurance companies

Our data collection

450+ data sources all in 1 tool

Access historical data about each property & any plot in Belgium with Explorer. Find out the full history about any property in Belgium, with archive data dating back to 2013. Stay truly up to date on your properties and it’s surroundings.Get it now

Realo data models

What our customers say about Realo products

"Since I started using Realo Pro, I create all my estimates through the platform. This allows me to provide my clients with a professional and accurate report, supported by extensive historical real estate data. It has significantly improved my workflow."
Geoffrey Vernimmen
Real estate advisor @ ERA Real Estate
"I impress clients with my knowledge of the region and the sales history of properties, thanks to Explorer. The ability to also look up the history of comparable properties gives me valuable insights and a strong advantage. This strengthens the client's trust and makes Realo Pro indispensable for my prospecting."
Wim Gevaert
Sales coach & real estate agents @ Altro vastgoed

Realo PRO

Ready to get started with Realo PRO?

Very simple pricing, one plan for either a monthly or yearly fee. The plan is based on the amount of users your team needs.