Realo widget

Our estimate widget on your website

Integrate our estimation module on your own website to help your customers. This widget can be personalized with your logo and colors so that it integrates perfectly with your website and helps your business grow faster.

Visual of the Realo Widget

qualified leads

Qualify your estimation leads and provide value to your website visitors with our estimation widget.

If you’re providing free estimates to customers, our widget will help you improve the experience and streamline the process for you. Sellers receive an estimation report straight away and you get qualified leads with a lot of data.Book a free demoTry it out

Visual of a estimation report
Visual of Realo widget flow

Lead generation

Turn your free estimation form into a lead generation powerhouse

Our widget asks the seller all the main questions about the property and in return the seller gets an estimate report. Each seller can then be contacted by your agents who have gained valuable insight into this property and are ready to close the prospect.

Why realo widget

Four pillars for success

Fully automated, customisable visuals including report, CRM compatible and easy to install.

Fully automated tool

No need to get programmers involved, everything is ready, out of the box.


We want your customers to have a seamless experience, that’s why you can customize the colors, add your logo and contact information.

CRM compatible

All incoming leads from the widget can be sent to any CRM of your choice so you never lose a lead again.

Easy to install

We want this product to be as easy to use and set up as possible, that’s why with our technology it should be a matter of a few easy steps.

Try it out

Try the Realo live widget yourself


What our customers say about Realo products

"The Realo estimation module is an essential part of an acquisition strategy. It provides valuable insights, engages with our target audience, and leaves a lasting impression. Moreover, it helps us qualify high-quality acquisition leads, which are crucial for any real estate agent. A must-have tool!"
Alex Vandenynde
Google Ads Specialist for real estate
"With the Realo Widget, I can easily identify potential sellers from my website and database. It is a fantastic tool for lead generation and has already helped me a lot. Absolutely recommend it!"
Alexanders Willems
Real estate agent @ Claes & Willems

Realo Widget

Let’s start converting your existing traffic into valuable leads on your website